You know men that a good partners but you are struggling.
Without a doubt, men are the more dominant gender. This is evident in areas of society from job preference to marriage patterns. In our culture, it’s rare to see men playing a submissive role and taking on a more nurturing and caring attitude toward others. The male gender is hardwired to lead and protect while women are wired to nurture and care for others. This leads to some incompatibilities between genders which can cause frustration in relationships (especially when one person takes on a nurturing or caring role outside of their relationship). A lack of understanding of female needs can also be frustrating for both parties. The best way to solve this is through self-awareness which will help you understand your own needs as well as those of your partner.
What makes a good male partner?
The question of what makes a good male partner is something that any man has struggled with at some point in their lifetime. The way to know if you are a good male partner is to ask yourself these questions about yourself:
-What are your strengths?
-What do you want out of life?
-Are you contributing to society in your own unique way?
-How do you feel about taking care of others and helping them grow?
If you can answer these questions with positive feelings, then you’re on the right track for being a good male partner.
Things that make a bad male partner
Many men are unaware of their own sexual needs and those of their partner. When they fail to meet these needs, they can be a bad partner. Here are some things that make a bad male partner:
*Not listening to or understanding your partner’s emotional needs
*Not being able to provide for your partner physically, emotionally, or sexually
*Not being able to set and reach long-term goals with your partner
*Being unable to keep up with your partner’s needs for intimacy

Self-awareness of your partner’s needs
First, you should try to understand your partner’s needs. This is a difficult task because we can never fully know what goes on in someone else’s mind and heart. But, there are some things that most people do know about their partner which can be helpful in understanding their needs. For example, how much time does your partner spend alone? If they are often with other people, it may be more difficult for them to share intimacy. Your partner also might need more or less affection than you have been able to give them.
Second, you should use self-awareness of your own needs to help facilitate communication with your partner. You should try not to make assumptions about what your partner wants from you and instead ask for specifics. Make sure that you take into account the fact that what is important to one person may not be important to another person (even if the two people are romantically involved).
3 ways to be a better male partner
The best way to be a better male partner is by being more understanding of women. Here are three ways you can do that:
1 Be less controlling
Women tend to feel controlled in relationships and will often withdraw from them if they feel like they’re being restricted. If you’re not willing to loosen your grip, it’s likely she will seek out other relationships because she won’t feel safe or respected.
2 Understand female needs
It’s important to remember that women tend to be more emotional and vulnerable than men, which means they can also be very needy. While this is not all bad, it does create challenges in relationships because of the difference in personality types. Understanding what makes her need you and what keeps her interested in the relationship will help you understand how to meet her needs more effectively.
3 Don’t try to change who she is for you
She may be attracted to certain aspects of your character but don’t expect her to change herself for you. While some compromises may happen, it’s important to remember that people have their own preferences and interests even if they seem different from yours.
Male Extra is a male enhancement product for guys who are in long-term relationships or married and need to spice up the bedroom. It’s made by a company called Proactiv, which is one of the most well-known companies in the male enhancement market. The FDA has not evaluated it, but it has been proven to work by thousands of happy customers.
What are the consequences of not taking on a more nurturing role in a relationship?
The answer to this question is generally complicated. On the one hand, it’s important for men to take on more nurturing and caring roles in relationships so they can better understand and meet the needs of their female partners. The same goes for women taking on more dominant roles so they can better understand and meet the needs of their male partners. On the other hand, men tend to feel more pressure to be ‘tough’ and be dominant in relationships so that they can feel emotionally safe with their female partners. This can also lead to a lack of understanding as well as miscommunication as men are often too emotional when taking on more nurturing and caring roles. Ultimately, both men and women must be willing to take on more of a nurturing or caring role in a relationship if they want it to work. This means being willing to compromise when needed as well as having mutual respect for each other’s needs and space.
What are the causes of not taking on a more nurturing role in a relationship?
There are many reasons as to why men don’t play a more nurturing role in a relationship. For example, most men have a hard time expressing their feelings and vulnerabilities (this is one of the main reasons men are stereotyped as not being ‘manly’). Another reason is because society teaches men to be the primary providers and take charge of any situation. As such, some men view taking on the nurturing roles in a relationship as a sign of weakness.
Even if men do want to play a more nurturing role in their relationship, they may hesitate because they feel guilty or ashamed of it. This is due to society’s flawed concepts of gender roles that tell women they should be the primary caretakers and protectors in relationships. These rigid gender norms don’t allow men to express their feelings or give cues for when they need help (for example – ‘I’m feeling overwhelmed and need some space’).
A lack of understanding between the two genders can cause frustration and conflict in relationships. Ultimately, both parties need to understand each other’s needs so that there isn’t conflict between them.
How can you take on a more nurturing role in a relationship?
There are many ways to take on a more nurturing role in a relationship. The first step is to understand the needs of your partner. What are their preferences? How do they prefer to be mothered or cared for? What are their triggers and when do they need more attention? Once you have a better understanding of your partner’s preferences, you can implement new routines that will meet their needs. One of the most important things you can do is listen to your partner. Being receptive and asking questions will allow them to voice any concerns they may have. It also gives them the space to voice their own needs. Never assume that you know what your partner needs without asking. Being aware of their needs will allow you both to feel more connected and intimate in your relationship.